Primary Schools

This whole school, developmentally sequenced, consistent handwriting, spelling, and reading program accelerates student learning from Beginners to Year 6

Improved outcomes including Naplan results have proved the success of Write2Spell2Read in Primary Schools. Based on neuroscience research, this explicit teaching program is effective because it connects and activates simultaneously, three very important brain areas for learning literacy – the motor, visual and auditory areas, by combining handwriting, phonics, visual and working memory skills. Because literacy computer programs are creating shortfalls in the way children learn, forgetting that handwriting embeds learning into memory, Write2Spell2Read’s multisensory approach makes it formidably superior. Primary teachers in schools using the program are excited by their results, particularly where students have used Write2Spell2Read from the beginning of their literacy journey.

Lots of Resources for Teachers

Easily and consistently used in the classroom, as well as a one-on-one situation in learning support, this whole school, developmentally sequenced, consistent handwriting, spelling, and reading program accelerates student learning from Beginners to Year 6. Book 7 is also included in the Write2Spell2Read program for extension students. Teachers have found this engaging program easy to use, have appreciated instruction in ‘How to teach’, and have enjoyed the many resources. Resources include a whole primary school Interactive Whiteboard Program, Student Practise Workbooks (Beginners to Year 3), Student and Teacher’s Resource Books (Years 4 to 6), Wall Cards, Desktop Cards, Spelling Rules and Guidelines Book and Classroom Posters.

Interactive Whiteboard Program

The consistent whole school Interactive Whiteboard Program allows quick access and easy differentiation of spelling words to a higher or lower level for average, extension and support students, but at the same time provides consistency of teaching and learning. It also links spelling words with spelling rules where indicated. The scope and sequence gives instant access to the lesson of the day.

Practise Workbooks

For younger students (Beginners to Year 3) Practise Workbooks are provided for large ‘rainbow writing’, to allow for repetitive writing of numbers and the letters or letter combinations that are used to make sounds. The correct formation of letters and the change to cursive writing are also covered in the Handwriting Practise Workbooks to prevent reversals.

Wall Cards

The compatible Wall Card System that matches the Interactive Whiteboard Program is perfect for lower primary, smaller classes, and learning support students. Easily used by parents, tutors and therapists there are many bonuses for a student whose whole team consistently uses Write2Spell2Read.

The program comes with teaching and training support for teachers.

Each and every child can achieve literacy success using the Write2Spell2Read program. Write2Spell2Read is closing the gap and effectively improving the literacy outcomes for all students, from those with learning difficulties to extension students, ESL students and students from indigenous backgrounds. It is delivering measurable improvements and long-term outcomes, and ensuring that all students can write, spell and read for a successful future.

Book Now For Your Free Classroom Trial

A four week trial of the Write2Spell2Read Interactive Whiteboard Program
is offered to teachers to experience the innovative design.

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