Working Memory Good Working Memory is critical for attaining creative writing and reading pleasure Working Memory is the memory that allows you to hold and work on lots of visual, auditory and motor information in the brain at the same time, in order to perform...
Whole School A whole school consistent approach showing ‘What to teach’ & ‘How to teach’ from Beginners to Year 6 Teaches literacy skills from beginners to Year 6 – writing – sounds – spelling – therefore an adjunt to reading The knowledge of both childhood...
Easy Differentiation Allows easy differentiation of spelling words to a higher or lower level Multi-level – easy to teach different ability levels Easy differentiation of spelling lists Consistent, whole school Write2Spell2Read program allows quick access and...
Australian Curriculum Write2Spell2Read is in line with the Australian National Curriculum and is the Literacy Program teachers, therapists, and parents have been hoping to find. Write2Spell2Read is in line with the Australian National Curriculum. Developmentally...
Early Childhood Centres Write2Spell2Read teaches Beginners their alphabet letters and sounds, numbers to 20, and how to write them Write2Spell2Read teaches Beginners their alphabet letters and sounds, numbers to 20, and how to write them. It is the ideal program to...
Primary Schools This whole school, developmentally sequenced, consistent handwriting, spelling, and reading program accelerates student learning from Beginners to Year 6 Improved outcomes including Naplan results have proved the success of Write2Spell2Read in Primary...