
Uses movement, touch, vision, sound, listening, speech and language and working memory.

Write2Spell2Read is truly multisensory, teaching letter sounds (auditory) with 44 sound pictures (visual memory) and handwriting (motor)

Multisensory design accelerates learning

Write2Spell2Read uses many senses at the same time to accelerate literacy learning. It uses three areas of the brain simultaneously, the motor, visual and auditory areas. Write2Spell2Read students learn by doing, looking, listening and saying, all at the same time. Combining the three brain areas means that each area reinforces the other to give a stronger learning outcome, and in so doing improves the student’s working memory allowing them to do complex tasks. Combining the three brain areas also aids successful outcomes for students, as all have individual learning preferences.

‘Doing’ encompasses all movement activities and handwriting

Write2Spell2Read uses jumping to focus attention and concentration, and “fire up the brain”. Large straight arm tracking movements and big “rainbow writing” in Practise Workbooks and on Wall Cards is used from prep to Year 3. In upper primary handwriting practice is continued to reinforce memory recall.

‘Looking’ encompasses all visual activities

Write2Spell2Read is visually organized using consistent, well designed graphics that link sounds with letters and words. For Beginners, the graphics chosen are objects that are the same shape as the letters and numbers they represent. For spelling, one sound graphic shows all letters and letter combinations that spell that sound. In lower primary, exaggerated “camera shot” looking embeds this information into visual memory. Traffic light dots on letters visually guide students with letter formation. Visual, motor and working memory are enhanced with the use of blindfolds which make students see the information in the ‘mind’s eye’ of the brain.

‘Listening and Saying’ encompasses all auditory activities

Write2Spell2Read is a synthetic phonics program linking sounds with letters and words. Write2Spell2Read uses rhymes and consistent language linked with the graphics throughout the program. When learning a new sound, students say together out loud the sound and the letter combinations that spell that sound, repeating until embedded in auditory memory. Students are encouraged to speak slowly out loud as they write in lower primary, and use internal talk in upper primary to accelerate skills becoming automatic.


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